Saturday, November 10, 2007

Arcade Shooter Demo Download Gaming Weekend Fun

Arcade Shooter Game Downloads - Demo Versions

It's a holiday weekend so you're getting some tame descriptions. :)

But you're about to have some great veterans day pc game demo fun.
Straight from the indie game developers themselves.
New pc game and sequal to play for free.
Hit the arcade below, search for the recommended
games and have an awesome time. Yes, I play them all. You'll have a killer time.

Jets n Guns Gold Game Demo

RIP Strike Back

RIP3 Shoot em up Game

StarDefender 4 - 3 - and 2


DemonStar Classic -- Old School Shooter

Enjoy these premium arcade games. ;)

===:> Watch for more vivid descriptions later on.

And I'd like you to check out
==:> StarSpangled Solitaire for more details
Originally released in October 2001.

I updated the game in honor of my brother mike and all the vets everywhere.

===:> Take a few minutes everyday. It's free....

Please excuse the outrageousness, that's my grandmother talking. There are more surprise freebies too.

Plus you'll get to check out additional solitaire themed games, other arcade shooters and off the wall sports game titles.

God Bless America!
Where anything is possible if you believe in god and yourself.

Arcade Shooter Game
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